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Visa subclass 191 checklist

Introducing the Subclass 191 visa, a pathway for those with a Subclass 491 or Subclass 494 visa to achieve permanent residency in Australia. In this tailored guide, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of applying for the Subclass 191 visa. Let’s dive in!

Check your eligibility before you start your application, it’s crucial to ensure you meet these requirements:

  1. Hold an Eligible Visa: You should currently hold either a Subclass 491 or Subclass 494 visa.
  2. Residency Requirements: You need to have lived in a designated regional area of Australia for at least three years while holding the eligible visa.
  3. Compliance with Visa Conditions: Make sure you’ve followed all the conditions of your eligible visa, including obligations related to work and residency.

Preparing to apply for the Subclass 191 visa involves understanding these criteria thoroughly. Let’s explore the document checklist to make your journey to permanent residency clear and manageable.

1. Identity Documents

  • Passport Bio-pages
  • National identity card (if applicable)
  • Proof of change of name (marriage certificate, divorce documents, etc.) (if applicable)


2. Proof of Residence

  • Leases or rental agreements
  • Utility bills (telephone, gas, electricity) displaying your residential address(es)
  • Title deeds to your home
  • Any other evidence of residency in a designated area


3. Proof of Work

  • Reference letters
  • Payslips
  • Employment contract paper


4. Proof of Study

  • Academic transcripts
  • Letters of completion


5. Character Documents (of all applicants)

  • Australian Police Certificate: National Police Certificate issued by the Australian Federal Police (valid for 12 months)
  • Overseas Police Certificates: Police certificates from every country where you spent a total of 12 months or more in the last 10 years since turning 16
  • Military Service Records or discharge papers if applicable


6. Relationship Documents

  • Marriage certificates
  • Divorce documents
  • Death certificates (if widowed)
  • Separation documents or statutory declarations
  • If applicable, the explanation of reason for partner or dependent children not included in the application 

7. Partner Identification

  • Partner’s identity documents (e.g., passport, national identity card)
  • Recent photos of you and your partner together

8. Evidence of Genuine and Continuing Relationship:

  • Joint bank account statements
  • Billing accounts in joint names (e.g., utilities, phone bills)
  • Joint leases or mortgages
  • Documents showing joint ownership of assets
  • Affidavits or statutory declarations from friends and family supporting your relationship

9. Dependents Over 18

  • Passport Bio-pages
  • National identity card (if applicable)
  • Proof of change of name (marriage certificate, divorce documents, etc.) (if applicable)
  • Birth certificate showing parent-child relationship or adoption papers
  • Evidence of Marriages or relationships (if applicable)

10. Dependents Under 18

Birth Certificates or Family Book:

    • Copies showing the names of both parents of all dependent children

Adoption Papers (if applicable):

    • Copies of adoption documents if the child is adopted

Parental Responsibility Documents (if applicable):

    • Documents proving legal right to decide where the child lives

Consent for Migration (if applicable):

    • Form 1229 Consent form or statutory declaration from anyone with legal right, if not migrating with the child
    • Australian court order or proof of applicable laws allowing child’s migration (if applicable)

11. Notification of Assistance (if applicable):

  • Form 956A (Appointment or withdrawal of an authorised recipient) if appointing someone to receive correspondence
  • Form 956 (Appointment of a registered migration agent, legal practitioner, or exempt person) if seeking immigration assistance.

12. Subclass 191 Visa Fees

Regional Provisional Stream

Primary Applicant $490.00
Secondary Applicant (Over 18) $245.00
Secondary Applicant (Under 18) $125.00

Hongkong (Regional) Stream

Primary Applicant $4,765.00
Secondary Applicant (Over 18) $2,380.00
Secondary Applicant (Under 18) $1,195.00

Australia Cracks Down on “Visa Hopping” with New Policy

Australian Government Cracks Down on “Visa Hopping” with New Policy

What is visa hopping?

Visa hopping refers to the practice of using a series of temporary visas to extend your stay in Australia beyond the original intended period. This can involve switching between visitor visas, student visas, and other temporary visa categories.

Visitor and Temporary Graduate Visa Holders Can No Longer Apply for Student Visas Inside Australia

Looking to study in Australia on subclass 500 visa? New rules are coming into effect on July 1st, 2024, that aim to streamline the visa process and ensure students are coming to Australia for genuine educational purposes. This crackdown on “visa hopping” is designed to improve the integrity of the migration system.

What are the changes?

The Australian government is concerned that visa hopping is undermining the integrity of the migration system. The number of international students staying on a second or subsequent student visa has grown significantly, raising concerns that some students may be prioritizing extending their stay over their studies.

What are the new rules?

Visa Hopping has now come to the end and it has the following policy strictly being carried:

  • Visitor visa holders can no longer apply for student visas onshore. This closes a loophole that allowed visitors to switch to a student visa after arriving in Australia.
  • Temporary Graduate visa holders can no longer apply for student visas onshore. This encourages graduates to transition to skilled employment or permanent residency, rather than extending their stay through further studies.
  • What else is changing?

These changes are part of a broader reform to the Temporary Graduate visa program. Other changes include:

  • Significantly shorter post-study work rights
  • Reduced age limit for post-study work rights from 50 to 35
  • Increased English language requirements


What does this mean for you?

If you’re planning to study in Australia, it’s important to ensure you meet the genuine student requirements before another hopping and apply for the correct visa type upfront. These changes will help ensure a fairer and more efficient migration system for everyone.

Looking for more information?

The Department of Home Affairs website has all the details on the latest changes to student visas and the Temporary Graduate visa program: Australian Government Department of Home Affairs. This news is referenced from the Minister’s media release on 12th June 2024.

Medicare Benefits for Subclass 491, 494, 190 and 189 visa applicants and holder

Medicare Eligibility for Subclass 491 and 494 applicants and holders.

Australian government since announcing these visa subclasses on 491 and 494 were said to be facilitate the holders with Medicare benefits on a temporary basis. Medicare is exercising this facilitation with an annual membership renewed automatically every year.


I have applied for Subclass 491 visa. Am I now eligible for Medicare benefits?

Individuals, couples and families who have been granted a SC491 and SC494 visa and are within Australian migration zone can now apply for a Medicare entitlement benefit and order a card online.

Medicare will automatically convert your membership start date from the date of visa grant so if you have any medical bills since the grant date, you may want to apply for the rebate to see if you could save some bucks.

For the visa waiting applicants, it has become little contradictory with the eligibility of Medicare benefits. The confusion seems to appear from the message that roamed around about Medicare started issuing memberships in the beginning where they were not supposed to be. Some applicants received the benefit and later realised they were not eligible for it. They stopped issuing memberships to those waiting on visa grant from Department of Home Affairs.

It has been confirmed that whoever have applied for the visa and awaiting grant outcome will not be eligible for Medicare membership. This has been clearly mentioned on legislation and below is the evidence we are relying on for this statement.

Both applicants and holders of Subclass 189 and Subclass 190 are eligible for the Medicare membership benefits. Temporary card(s) will be issued to those who have applied for the visas and once granted, Medicare will provide the full membership card automatically after your visa grant. If you have changed your address and have not notified Medicare about the change, you might want to do that immediately as Medicare will send you the card very immediately after the visa grant and also without you requesting for it.


Genuine Student Requirement

Genuine Student Requirement Test (GSR / GST / GSRT)

A new method called as Genuine Student Requirement has been announced by the Department of Home Affairs. GST is a visa assessment tool for the recruitment of international students in Australia. This is believed to reform the delivery of quality education. Genuine students who intend to achieve academic excellence at Australian universities will be able to benefit from this tool.

Before 23rd March 2024, international students seeking to study in Australia were required to fulfill the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria. This means that their intention to stay in Australia should be solely to pursue a high-quality tertiary education leading to a university degree, without any intention of prolonged residency.

In the new policy, international students will have the opportunity to express their desire to migrate to Australia during the student visa application process.

Genuine Student Requirement

What actually is Genuine Student Requirement (GSR) then?

The Genuine Student Requirement (GSR) serves as a comprehensive assessment tool specifically crafted to ascertain the authenticity of individuals applying for student visas. Its primary objective is to minimize the occurrence of fraudulent activities within the student visa application process.

Through a rigorous examination of various aspects of the applicant’s background, including their educational history, financial circumstances, and intentions for studying in Australia, the GST aims to ensure that only genuine students who genuinely intend to pursue academic endeavors in the country are granted visas.

By implementing such a test, immigration authorities can enhance the integrity of the student visa system, promoting fairness and transparency while safeguarding the interests of both prospective students and the Australian education sector.

What new thing is added in GSR Test?

The new GS requirement will have target questions. Responses given to these questions will provide decision-makers with an overview of the applicant and their reasons for wanting to study in Australia.

The questions will cover and may not be limited to:

  • details of their current circumstances, including ties to family, community, employment, and economic circumstances;
  • an explanation for the choice of course and reasons for choosing Australia as a study destination;
  • what benefits the course provides to the applicant;
  • for applicants with a study history in Australia, details of their study history;
  • for applicants holding a visa other than a Student visa, their reasons for applying for a student visa; and
  • any other relevant information the applicant wishes to provide

New English Requirement under Genuine Student Test

Test NameMinimum Score (Overall Band Score)Principal course accompanied by 10 weeks ELICOS/standard foundation programPrincipal course accompanied by 20 weeks ELICOS
 International English Language Testing System (IELTS)65.55
 Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE)504236
 Test of English as a Foreign Language internet-based test (TOEFL iBT)* 644635
 Cambridge English: Advanced test (CAE)**169162154
 Occupational English Test (OET)BBB



How does it differ from Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement?

Let’s dive into GTE first.

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement was used to mandate that all student visa applicants demonstrate their intent to temporarily pursue quality education in Australia. This criterion does not aim to deter students who may seek permanent residency after acquiring skills needed by Australia. Applicants had no requirement of a limited-word personal statement addressing their circumstances and reasons for studying in Australia, alongside supporting documents. Generic statements lacking evidence hold little weight in the assessment.

The decision considers various factors outlined in Ministerial Direction 69, such as previous study, employment history, ties to home country, and economic situation. The GTE assessment ensured that the visa program serves its educational purpose and identifies applicants with genuine educational motives. Factors evaluated include reasons for not studying in the home country, ties supporting return after study, economic situation, and potential ties and intentions in Australia. Additionally, the relevance of the course, financial stability, and immigration history are the common attributes of both these assessment process.

This new student visa application system revamp includes measures enabling international students to indicate their migration intentions within their visa applications. Moreover, the Genuine Student Test will assess their English proficiency and dedication to studying in Australia.

When is the Genuine Student Requirement going effective?

These reforms are implemented in action from 23rd March 2024, focusing on attracting highly skilled international students.

What are the motives behind the Genuine Student Requirement?

The motives behind the Genuine Student Requirement (GSR) are multifaceted and primarily aim to address several key objectives:

1. Fraud Prevention: One of the central motives behind implementing the GST is to mitigate the risk of fraudulent activities within the student visa application process. By scrutinizing the backgrounds and intentions of applicants, the GST helps identify and deter individuals who may seek to exploit the system for illegitimate purposes, such as gaining entry to Australia under pretenses.

2. Maintaining Program Integrity: Ensuring the integrity of the student visa program is crucial for upholding Australia’s reputation as a destination for high-quality education. The GST helps maintain program integrity by verifying that visa applicants are genuine students committed to pursuing legitimate educational opportunities in the country.

3. Protecting National Interests: The GST also protects Australia’s interests by ensuring that the individuals granted student visas contribute positively to the country’s academic, cultural, and economic landscape. By admitting genuine students who are likely to abide by visa conditions and contribute to Australian society, the GST helps safeguard national interests.

4. Enhancing Immigration Control: As part of broader immigration control measures, the GST assists authorities in managing the inflow of international students into Australia. By accurately assessing the bona fides of visa applicants, immigration officials can make informed decisions about who is granted entry, thereby maintaining control over immigration flows and upholding national security interests.

Overall, the motives behind the GST reflect a commitment to upholding the integrity of Australia’s student visa program, safeguarding national interests, and ensuring that genuine students have access to educational opportunities in the country.

Is it going to be easier with Genuine Student Requirement ?

The Genuine Student Requirement is not designed to make the process easier for applicants; rather, its purpose is to ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of individuals applying for student visas to Australia.

While the GSR aims to streamline the visa application process by providing a standardized assessment framework, it may introduce additional requirements and scrutiny for applicants.

Applicants will need to provide comprehensive documentation and evidence to demonstrate their genuine intention to study in Australia and comply with visa conditions. This may include academic transcripts, financial statements, statements of purpose, and other supporting materials. The GST will assess various aspects of the applicant’s background, including their educational history, financial circumstances, and intentions for studying in Australia, to verify their bona fides.

While the GSR Test aims to prevent fraud and maintain the integrity of the student visa program, it may result in increased scrutiny and potentially more stringent assessment criteria for applicants. Therefore, while the GSR may streamline the process by providing a standardized framework, it may not necessarily make it easier for applicants, as they will still need to meet the established criteria and provide sufficient evidence to support their application.

How will international student benefit from this reformation?

The implementation of the Genuine Student Test (GST) can benefit international students in several ways:

1. Enhanced Credibility: By ensuring that only genuine students are granted visas, the GST helps maintain the credibility of international students studying in Australia. This can positively impact their reputation and recognition of their qualifications both within Australia and internationally.

2. Reduced Competition from Fraudulent Applicants: International students who genuinely intend to pursue education in Australia may face less competition from fraudulent applicants who attempt to misuse the visa system for illegitimate purposes. This can potentially increase the opportunities and resources available to genuine students.

3. Protection of Rights and Interests: Genuine students who comply with visa conditions and abide by Australian laws are better protected under the GST. They are less likely to encounter issues related to visa cancellations, exploitation, or legal challenges, thereby safeguarding their rights and interests while studying in Australia.

4. Access to High-Quality Education: By maintaining the integrity of the student visa program, the GST ensures that international students have access to high-quality education and academic resources in Australia. This can contribute to their personal and professional development and enhance their career prospects upon completion of their studies.

5. Strengthened International Reputation: Australia’s commitment to ensuring the authenticity and credibility of its student visa program through measures like the GST can strengthen its international reputation as a welcoming and reputable destination for education. This, in turn, can attract more high-caliber international students seeking quality education opportunities.

Overall, the implementation of the Genuine Student Requirement (GSR) can provide international students with greater assurance, credibility, and access to quality education in Australia, ultimately enhancing their overall academic and personal experiences.


In conclusion, the Genuine Student Test (GST) serves as a critical component of Australia’s student visa application process, aimed at ensuring the authenticity and legitimacy of applicants. While the GST is not intended to make the process easier for applicants, its implementation is crucial for preventing fraud, maintaining program integrity, protecting national interests, and enhancing immigration control.

By scrutinizing various aspects of applicants’ backgrounds and intentions, the GST helps verify their genuine commitment to studying in Australia and contributes to safeguarding the integrity of the student visa program.

While the GST may introduce additional requirements and scrutiny for applicants, its standardized assessment framework provides a fair and transparent means of evaluating visa applications, ultimately supporting Australia’s reputation as a destination for high-quality education.

Medical Examination Fee Calculator

Medical Examination Fee in Australia 2024

Medical Examination Fee Calculator is designed to quickly assess the amount of fee needed for department prescribed tests. Medical examinations are necessary for almost all visa applicants in Australia. The questions “How much will be the medical fee?” arises in all applying for visa.

Visa Medical Tests in Australia are conducted by Bupa Medical Visa Services (BMVS) and they have specific price for each types. These price are subject to change as per BMVS. 

Below you may use the click and highlight functionality to check the total of medical tests you are requested. This may help you to analyse the amount you will spend with BMVS. Please be advised, as per the location you are attending, the expense amount may differ from what it is shown below. Always refer to official information for up to date fees. The below fee is updated as of Jan 2024.

Item Cost Cards

Select items to calculate total.

Medical Exam and Chest X-ray
Medical Examination only
Chest X-ray only
HIV (Pathology as part of medical exam)
Serum Creatinine and eGFR
Syphilis (Pathology as part of medical exam)
Hepatitis B (Pathology as part of medical exam)
Hepatitis C (Pathology as part of medical exam)
TB Screening Test Interferon-Gamma Release Array (IGRA)
Paediatric Chest X-ray – 2 x Chest X-rays comprised of Posterior Anterior (PA) and Lateral view
Chest X-ray Lordotic view *
HIV Pathology (not part of a medical exam)
Hepatitis B Pathology (not part of a medical exam)
Hepatitis C Pathology (not part of a medical exam)
Syphilis Pathology (not part of a medical exam)
Liver Function Tests (LFTs) (supplementary testing)
Hepatitis C RNA (HEP C RNA)
Hepatitis B DNA testing (supplementary testing)
Grand Total:
Total: $0.00

The correspondence you receive from the Department of Home Affairs will outline the mandatory assessments your visa necessitates. The charges differ based on the location you choose for your assessment. Please be aware that if additional tests are recommended by Bupa health professionals to finalize your examination, supplementary payments may be required.

To find out the nearest location BVMS provider is located, please use this official link. 

If you would like to check overall cost of student visa application, please use this link.

If you would like us to assist you for the combined service packages of visa application and all other processes including visa medical, please feel free to contact us.

Annual Cost of Living Calculator

Work out how much money you need for the student visa application

calculator cost of living
Living Cost Calculator


Sources of First Year Expense Cost (tick to include) Number of applicants
Living Expense: Primary Applicant $
Living Expense: Secondary Applicant (Aged 18+) $
Living Expense: Secondary Applicant (Aged 18-) $
First Year Fee: Primary Applicant $
First Year Fee: Secondary Applicant $
Travel Cost (one way): $
Fee: Health Insurance (OSHC) $

Total Living Cost:


Travel costs 

As a guide, when you calculate how much money you need, include:

AUD2,500 – if you are applying from East or Southern Africa
AUD3,000 – if you are applying from West Africa
AUD2,000 – if you are applying from anywhere else outside Australia
AUD1,000 – if you are applying in Australia. If you will be returning to Africa include AUD1,500.

These costs represents for single applicants. Set quantities as per the number of applicants travelling with you.


Course fees

If your course lasts a year or less, just count the full cost. 

If you’ve already paid something, it should be shown in confirmation of enrolment. That amount will be subtracted from the total fee as applicable to the first year. it. 

If you’re in Australia and your course began, figure out the fee for the next 12 months from when you apply.

Example 1: Let’s say your course costs AUD 36,000 for 2 years. To find the fee for 12 months, divide the total course cost by the number of years you’re studying. AUD 36,000 divided by 2 years equals AUD 18,000. If you’ve paid anything already, we’ll subtract that amount.

Example 2: Your course fee is AUD 12,000 for 8 months, and you’ve already paid AUD 3,000. Subtract the amount you’ve paid from the total fee. AUD 12,000 minus AUD 3,000 equals AUD 9,000.

Example 3: Your course fee amounts to AUD 24,000 for 15 months. To find the fee for 12 months, divide the total by the total number of months and then multiply by 12. (AUD 24,000 divided by 15) multiplied by 12 equals AUD 19,200. If you’ve already paid some fees, we’ll deduct that.

Health Insurance fees

Generally, health insurance fees, also known as Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) are paid before the visa application is made. When showing the amount to the Department, it is to be checked whether the OSHC was purchased before the date of bank certificate/loan certificate/deposit statement printed date. 

OSHC Purchased Before Deposit Certificates Issued: If the OSHC is purchased before receiving deposit certificates or similar documentation, it should not be included in the financial capability statement. In this case, only include OSHC payments made after the issuance of these documents.

OSHC Purchased After Deposit Certificates Issued:
If the OSHC is purchased after receiving deposit certificates, include the OSHC payments made after the issuance of these documents in the financial capability statement.

 Ensure that the dates on the financial documents align with the OSHC purchase date to avoid discrepancies.

The deposit certificates here could mean Bank Loan Certificate, Bank Deposit Certificate or any official certificates issued by financial institution proving the fund accessible for your study in Australia. 

Construction Visa Subsidy Program – Western Australia Government

The WA State Government is investing in programs to prepare locals for future jobs. They aim to keep skilled migrants in WA and attract workers from other places with skills needed by WA businesses. The Construction Visa Subsidy Program (CVSP) assists WA construction companies to meet the demand for skilled workers. The program gives grants up to $10,000 to help with skilled migration visas.

This covers costs like migration agent fees, visa applications, and moving expenses. Both WA employers (CVSP Employer Sponsored Stream) and skilled migrants (CVSP State Nominated Stream) might qualify for the CVSP.


Eligible employers have the opportunity to secure payments of up to $10,000 for each adept migrant, distributed over three distinct milestones.

  • Initial Stage – $2,000
  • Intermediate Stage – $4,000
  • Final Stage – $4,000


Skilled migrants seeking the program, and pursuing their visa application from overseas, shall be entitled to receive disbursements amounting to a maximum of $10,000, distributed across two pivotal milestones.

  • Milestone 1 – $5,000
  • Milestone 2 – $5,000


Skilled migrants eligible for the initiative, and who are already within Australia at the start of CVSP, shall be allocated diminished disbursements, reflective of the comparatively lower expenditures associated with onshore applicants.

  • Milestone 1 – $2,500
  • Milestone 2 – $2,500


Eligibility Criteria and Process Overview for Construction Visa Subsidy Program (CVSP):

  1. Employers must sponsor skilled migrants under visa subclasses 482, 494, or 186.
  2. Employers should be headquartered in Western Australia and involved in building and construction work within eligible occupations.



Single skilled migrant:

  1. Fill out the CVSP Employer Sponsored Stream – Milestone 1 – Claim Form.
  2. Accept the Construction Visa Subsidy Program Terms and Conditions.
  3. Declare your intent to sponsor a skilled migrant with the Department of Home Affairs.
  4. Submit the completed claim form.

Two to five skilled migrants:

  1. Agree to abide by the Construction Visa Subsidy Program.
  2. Declare your intent to sponsor skilled migrants with the Department of Home Affairs.
  3. Provide an outline of planned work, including sponsored occupation details.
  4. Submit the completed claim form.

Six or more skilled migrants:

  1. Agree to follow the Construction Visa Subsidy Program Terms and Conditions.
  2. Confirm your registration as a sponsor with the Department of Home Affairs.
  3. Present a business plan showcasing the need for skilled workers and their occupations.
  4. Describe onboarding and support plans for skilled migrants.
  5. Submit the completed claim form.

Step 1: Access Skilled Migrant Employment Register (SMER)

If you haven’t identified a skilled migrant to sponsor, register on the SMER. This helps you connect with skilled migrants seeking employment opportunities in WA, based on preferred occupation, location, and intentions. Consider involving a registered Migration Agent for visa assistance.

Step 2: Sponsorship Application

Apply as a sponsor through the Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs, nominating an occupation and the skilled migrant you plan to sponsor.

Step 3: Visa Grant and Application

Collaborate with your skilled migrant and/or Migration Agent to choose an eligible visa. The nominated skilled migrant should then apply for the visa through the Department of Home Affairs ImmiAccount gateway service.

Step 4: Milestone 2 Payment

After the skilled migrant’s visa is granted, complete the ‘CVSP Employer Sponsored Stream – Milestone 2 – Claim Form to receive the second payment.

Step 5: Milestone 3 Payment

Once the skilled migrant begins employment and receives the initial payslip, fill out the ‘CVSP Employer Sponsored Stream – Milestone 3 – Claim Formto receive the final payment.

Salary requirement for SC191 applicants through SC491/SC494

The recent announcement made by the Department of Home Affairs brings forth favorable tidings.

Specifically, it pertains to individuals who had doubts regarding the salary requirement for the SC191 visa after residing in SC491 for a duration of three years.

It is important to note that the absence of the income threshold in the SC191 legislative instrument had already made the matter clear. Nevertheless, confusion arose due to the department’s message regarding the salary requirement on their website.

It is crucial to understand that the assessment of visa applications should be conducted according to the guidelines outlined in the legislative instrument, despite the information posted on the department’s website.

Without the department’s intervention, further confusion could have emerged in the future. However, they have taken the initiative to clarify the situation, providing a tremendous sense of relief to all, particularly those aspiring to obtain or currently holding the 491/494 visas.

Migration Agent in Darwin

Migration Consultancy in Darwin

Darwin of Northern Territory is the hubspot for international students to study, work and migrate. This place has numerous opportunities for migration purpose. Whether it be DAMA (Designated Area Migration Agreement), Subclass 491 (Skilled Work Regional Visa), Subclass 190 (Skilled Nominated Visa) or Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent Visa), NT has best to offer in terms of migration matters.

When it comes to the best migration agent in Darwin, there may not be an appropriate or specific answer to this. However, the reliability of migration agent in Darwin can be found through various ways. One of the best way to check the reliability of the agent is to check their visa success rate. There has been many evidences where visa holders were disappointed due to the lack of attention in visa application and those reason visa came with unexpected outcomes. It is also important to see if the agent has established their office in local area, for instance, Darwin. Their physical presence in Darwin helps local residents to reach out for help with ease and accessibility.

Most of the agents uses external Migration Agent that means they process the visa application but through second party or other migration agent/lawyer from other firm which complicates the situation. There are various disadvantages of using a third-party (external agent) in visa matters. Processing visa application may not always be hassled, however, it comes with multiple direction and confusion that will eventually built into complication in such a process.

The other disadvantages of processing an application is the cost. Since two parties are financially benefiting from one application, there might have been an expensive quote than the market price. At the end of the day, Migation Agent in Darwin is not that expensive if one goes out to the market for research on visa application service cost.

Migration Agents in Darwin is also responsible to keep updated of their application for nomination on visa subclasses 190 and 491. Lot of international students who have moved to Darwin for international studies eventually will come to know about the migration prospects in Darwin or Northern Territory as a whole. This term is also attached with the application processing body of Northern Territory Government (NTG), widely known as Migation NT.

Migration NT is responsible for handling of applications for visa application 190 and 491. Not only Skilled Visas, Migration NT is also responsible for DAMA.

There are various occupation widely accepted by Migration NT under migration program. These occupation listed on MLTSSOL is currently accepted, however changes can be seen frequently. One has to refer to the government official site for the confirmation on these applications. Visa Help has it’s own Migration Agent in-house. Visa 190 in Darwin and Visa 491 in Darwin has been a tremendous success for Visa Help Darwin team since opened. Visa Help claims itself to be the best migaration agent in darwin, NT because of the success it has on its’ application for various purpose.

Student Visa – Subclass 500

Student Visa in Australia is one of the popular visa subclasses amongst international resident intending to study overseas their home country. The government of Australia has made it available for eligible international resident with up to 5 years of stay in line with the offer of enrolment.

People having this visa subclass can participate full-time study in their eligible course of study in Australia.

Currently, there has not been any limitation on work hours, but the visa condition may imply the condition of maintaining maximum of 20 hours a week or 40 hours a fortnight in pro-rated basis.

There are few things you must do to keep the visa condition maintained as long as your visa condition has entitled you to do so.

  • be enrolled in a course of study in Australia
  • hold Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), or fall in one of the exemption categories
  • must be 6 years or older
  • prove you have a welfare arrangement from someone if you are under 18
  • have the visa uncancelled or hold a Confirmation of Study (CoE) without having a required gap during the visa.

Visa Cost

If there is no exemption or government offerings, currently this visa costs your Australian dollar $650.00 for the main applicant. Having a secondary applicant increase the cost accordingly.

To know how much you visa might cost you, please refer to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA)’s Visa Pricing Estimator. If the information we provide on the website is outdated, this website will have a up to date information on everything including cost unless the website is up for maintenance.

Other costs involved in your visa may be the cost of biometrics, health checks, health insurance (widely known as OSHC), banking fees and police certificate. These costs vary from country to country and provider to provider.

Apart from these costs, managing your visa application may also incur the charge and it depends on how much your agent charges you. Not everyone can apply for your visa and to check the eligibility of you agent, please refer to this home affairs website.

Generally, your costs of student visa can be divided in below ways:

1.   Visa Fee (DHA fees) $710.00 Changes from time to time by DHA
2.   Insurance Fees Variable Variable from service provider to provider
3.   Health Check (Medical) Variable Variable from service provider to provider
4.   Biometrics Variable Variable from service provider to provider
5.   National Police Certificate Variable Variable from country to country
6.   Banking fees Variable Variable to applicant’s bank charges and rates
7.   Agent fees Variable Variable on applicant’s choice and agent
8.   Other miscellaneous charges Variable Other miscellaneous costs of creating the application

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